Welcome to my website. Explore my images, portfolios and articles. Single images are $300.00 each (US). Those are printed at the studio using archival inks and Somerset Velvet paper (or like). Each print is signed on the back, sent with a certificate of authenticity and chopped on the front (embossed signature). They are placed in a clear archival envelope and packaged for shipping. Packaging and shipping is also a separate cost. Should you love them enough to purchase please contact me (call, text or email) so that I can make those arrangements for you. Portfolios prices on each of those pages. Return often the galleries do change!
Paul Ott likes B&W. Do you?
In my desire to provide a more interesting visual experience, I have chosen a way that makes digital images less sterile. Using vintage glass from the 1930’s to the 1970’s, (all pre-digital) allows me to get different and creative results by using great glass from the past! Hope you enjoy the work and have fun looking!
About Paul Ott….
Always visual, my interest in the arts began while young. With the help of a supportive family and a community of artists, I grew to know that I had to attend art school. In fact, I attended several. I have enjoyed my life in art with my wife, family and friends and still continue to create.
Even when young I found black and white images to be powerfully striking. Barthes once said, ” photographs that compel us never overpower or coerce; they attract us because they are pensive, they think.” By removing the natural colors from images, we are left with a different reality…an abstraction of sorts. One that forces us to think about those images differently and to view them with more scrutiny than perhaps we would normally. And that is a beautiful thing !

Contact Paul
email to purchase or for more information
Email, paulott1@me.com